The basic international structure of strategic cooperation in the Carpathians is the Carpathian Euroregion. It was established in 1993 as a socio-political initiative supported by the governments of the Carpathian countries, it is the oldest organization supporting the socio-economic development of the Carpathian area. It is also a large terrestrial Euroregion in Europe, covering the border areas of Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania and Hungary with an area of over 156,000 km2 inhabited by over 15,000,000 people. Over 26 years, a cross-sectoral, international, specialized cooperation with over 1000 entrepreneurs has been developed.

The mission of the Euroregion is to “build a common socio-economic space in the Carpathians“. The Euroregion operates through its structures registered in each of the countries belonging to it. Based on the offices of the Euroregion, there is an international cooperation network composed of entities from the public, private and non-governmental sectors. Coordination capacity of the Euroregion includes over 1000 institutions of this type. The main role of the organization is to coordinate activities on the basis of joint strategic planning, programming and implementation of development policy. The Euroregion operates on the basis of its own Strategy called “Carpathian Horizon 2030“. Strategy is currently being updated to the 2030 format. New paradigms of the Strategy will be integration – commercialization – internationalization of the Carpathian potential. It is assumed that the main priorities of the new Strategy will be building institutional capacities and tourism. Horizontal issues are research, innovation and education for the Carpathians.
The Carpathian Euroregion is a professional territorial institution operating on the basis of a wide cooperation network. In Poland, the Euroregion is represented by the Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland, which is the only national organization responsible since 1998 for the implementation of components of the EU cross-border cooperation programs. Both in the pre-accession period (PHARE CBC) and after joining the EU (INTERREG), the Association co-financed over 400 cross-border cooperation projects, becoming a leader in supporting cross-border development processes. The association has a professional office responsible for implementing strategies, programs and projects with the support of an international network of experts. The organization’s employees have been participating in the preparation of operational programs for cross-border cooperation in the Carpathians for many years. Euroregion is a member of the Association of European Border Regions based in Gronau, the largest European organization uniting over 150 border regions and Euroregions. The Euroregion actively cooperates with foreign partners from outside the Carpathian area, mainly from the Alpine area, as well as with partners from AEBR. For several years, the Euroregion has been implementing the Carpathian Brand Strategy, which is a strategic, innovative, international socio-economic concept for the Carpathians, prepared by world-class Swiss experts. The goal of the Carpathian Brand is to integrate, commercialize and internationalize the potential of the Carpathians. The Carpathian Euroregion Poland Association actively cooperates with the Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention in Vienna. The representatives of the Euroregion took part in the development of the Strategy for Sustainable Tourism in the Carpathians and the organization officially acts as the Sustainable Tourism Platform of the Carpathian Convention, responsible for coordinating the development of Carpathian tourism on the Polish side.
The Carpathian Euroregion operates on the basis of national organizational structures, in Poland, the Euroregion includes over 60 local governments (communes, poviats, Podkarpackie Voivodeship) from the area of Podkarpackie and Małopolskie voivodships. Currently, mechanisms are being implemented to improve the cooperation system within the organizational structure of the Euroregion, as a result of which the operational capabilities of the organization will increase. As part of the Euroregion, on its initiative, additional formats are operating, such as the Carpathian Euroregion Cities Network, the Carpathian Organization Forum. Currently, the organization’s priority is to create Cross-Border Functional Areas.
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