Between Fjords and the Carpathians - Platform for the exchange of experiences in the field of tourism education
The main idea of the project is to improve the quality of vocational education at the secondary and higher level in the field of tourism in the border area of the Polish part of the Carpathian Euroregion, using Norwegian models. The project will result in the activation of employment of graduates of vocational schools and the Bronisław Markiewicz State University of Technology And Economics (PWSTE) in Jarosław by entities operating in tourism industry in the border area. In order to achieve these assumptions, the project provides for the development by the Scientific Team of proposal for new, two curricula at the secondary and higher vocational level, which will be implemented in schools by the Applicant, and then by subsequent schools in the Carpathian Euroregion, ensuring long-term benefits.The innovative character will be ensured by the cooperation platform created in the project in the form of two types of workshops: a co-creation workshop and quality circles. Scheduled study visits will allow the exchange of experiences between partners. An element of effective promotion will be the Carpathian Educational Forum devoted to tourism education, attended by specialists from Poland and abroad.
In order to prevent depopulation of the area and the phenomena of marginalization of border areas, the project activities are aimed at improving the quality of educational services in the VET sector and adapting education to labour markets through the transfer of educational innovations in tourism corresponding to the challenges of internationalization of Carpathian destinations, implementation of the sectoral qualifications framework in tourism at the vocational level. It was planned to create an innovative platform for cooperation between employers, students and teaching staff, as well as experts in the field of tourism, in the form of organized co-creation workshops and quality clubs, taking into account the dual system. The workshops will be based on close cooperation between entrepreneurs and students of PWSTE and vocational schools. Students will perform tasks similar to those they will do in the future, once they become full-fledged employees of companies operating in the field of tourism

Project partner

Project partner

Description of the planned activities within the project implementation
1. The research covers the appointment of a research team (domestic and foreign, representatives of partners) and the development of: analysis of the initial situation in terms of the vocational education offer (at the higher and secondary level, together with an analysis of the labor market needs in the tourism sector. Four meetings will be held as part of the research ( 2 analysis, 2 strategy) A competency gap will be determined, which will be the basis for adapting the offer of PWSTE and vocational schools to the real needs of the labor market. The document will contain a SWOT analysis and indicate solutions for vocational education and improvement of cooperation between participants of the tourism sector (including the regional model of cooperation between the education and tourism sectors) and solutions in the field of dual education.
2. Creation of 2 presentations of teacher training in the field of practicing, ie for PWSTE and the school – pressure drop. Establishing a generation, a Scientific team initiating publishing, enlargements in enlargements and medium. The sectoral qualifications framework for the tourism sector will be used as a model of teaching, the labor market will now be at the initial stage of educational teaching. The program will be a valuable brand of “Carpathia” In order to obtain a special workplace and in the framework of two meetings of the creation of the Sektorowa Rama Qualification of the brand “Karpaty”, built at the top of the SKR within supercountries, main key professions and qualifications for the carpathia “Carpathia” and stimulation of the labor market in the Carpathians. As part of the development of the programs, 2 expert meetings will be held.
3. A study visit to Norway to learn about the system of functioning of vocational education and the dual model of cooperation between schools and entrepreneurs. A visit – for training staff and the best PWSTE students. During the trip, participants will have the opportunity to visit Norwegian companies related to the tourism sector. The visit will result in the transfer of good practices, broadening the participants’ knowledge and horizons.
4. Establishing a co-creation workshop and quality clubs in PWSTE (Jarosław) and PP1 (Rzeszów), allowing for cyclical meetings of students, pupils, teaching staff and representatives of the tourism sector from the Carpathians, in order to establish cooperation between entities of the labor market, define mutual expectations. Co-creation studios will also be a place to create interdisciplinary teams, collaborating on real challenges and projects presented by the tourism industry. In this way, students will be able to learn about the functioning of the sector and demonstrate skills that allow them to get a job in the profession, and representatives of the tourism industry will have access to potential employees. The project provides for the organization of 2 co-creation meetings and 2 meetings of quality clubs at each partner. A total of 8 meetings. Meetings will be held online using videoconference kits purchased under the project.
5. Organization of the Forum on topics related to tourism in education and innovation in tourism. The event will create an opportunity to meet local government communities, staff of students and students of vocational secondary and higher schools, as well as organizations operating in the field of tourism in the region and from the entire Carpathian Euroregion. The event will be attended by domestic and foreign experts, a Norwegian partner. The forum will be a place for exchanging experiences and acquiring good practices, and it will also provide an opportunity to summarize the effects of the project implementation. The costs include costs related to the promotion of the event, translations, catering, room and equipment rental, fees for experts, promotional materials
6. Forum opening a project related to tourism in education and innovation in tourism. The event will provide an opportunity to familiarize local government communities, staff, students and students of vocational secondary and higher schools as well as organizations operating in the field of tourism of the entire Carpathian Euroregion with the objectives of the project. The event will be attended by domestic and foreign experts, a partner from Norway. The forum will be a place for exchanging experiences and acquiring good practices, it will also create an opportunity to establish closer relations and encourage a larger group of institutions related to education and tourism in the implementation of the project. As part of the costs, it includes costs related to the promotion of the event, translations, catering, room and equipment rental, fees for experts, promotional materials.
Photo materials
Video materials
The project team

mgr Tomasz Sikora
Project manager

mgr Jarosław Stępiński
Member of the Team

mgr Konrad Bajdak
Member of the Team
Information about the source of project financing

Project funding source – EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2020, Component III Education Program
Institutional cooperation to improve the quality and alignment of vocational education and training (VET) and lifelong learning
Between Fjords and the Carpathians – Platform for the exchange of experiences in the field of tourism education, benefits from funding
with a value of EUR 174,080.00 received from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under EEA funds. The aim of the project is to improve the quality of vocational education
at the medium and higher level in the field of tourism in the border area of the Polish part of the Carpathian Euroregion, using Norwegian models.
Center Cross-Border Analysis
ul. Czarnieckiego 16
37-500 Jaroslaw – Poland
phone: (+48) 16 624 46 40
NIP: 7921794406
REGON: 650894385
ePUAP: /pwste/SkrytkaESP